2020 Candidate Ratings & Endorsements
- Candidate letter ratings are based on their answers to our issues survey. Support for all issues is required for an “A” rating.
- To earn an A+ rating, candidates must have taken actions beyond a perfect voting score to further our 2A goals during prior legislative sessions.
- Candidates who are NVFAC members have an asterisk (*) by their rating.
Candidate Information
Click here to fill out the candidate survey
(view survey pdf here)
(view endorsement survey pdf here)
- **All information provided by candidates will be used only for NVFAC-PAC rating and endorsement purposes, will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be shared with anyone for any reason.**
- NVFAC PAC is a state-level PAC and does not issue endorsements in federal races
- You must complete an NVFAC PAC Candidate Issues Survey to be considered for an endorsement.
- If you wish to discuss the endorsement survey, please contact Randy Mackie at 702-232-2654 or [email protected].